Also known as the Bush Plum, the Kakadu Plum is a nutrient-rich, antioxidant powerhouse! Boasting the highest Vitamin C levels of ANY fruit in the world, the Kakadu Plum is a tart little berry that is best enjoyed in small portions.
The Kakadu plum exhibits outstanding antioxidant capacity, being 5.2 times more potent than the blueberry.
Kakadu Plum also known as Gubinge, Billygoat Plum or Murunga. Indigenous Australians have used this fruit extensively for food, its healing properties and traditional medicine.
Kakadu plum has the highest recorded level of natural vitamin C content of any plant in the world – more than 100 times that of oranges. It also displays superior antioxidant properties, containing both water -and oil-soluble antioxidants which are often low in common fruits and vegetables. Kakadu plum has five times higher anti-oxidant capability than the blueberry, which is renowned worldwide as the ‘health-promoting fruit’. Antioxidants are believed to hold a number of benefits for human health, potentially preventing and delaying diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, • Significantly supports wound healing
The fruit contains vitamin E, lutein (a compound that plays an important role in eye health and wellbeing), folate, zinc, magnesium and calcium. Kakadu plum also has high potassium: sodium ratio, which may assist to develop foods to reduce hypertension.
A vegetarian source of iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, Vitamin E and contains 110μg of folate per 100g – the same amount found in broccoli.
Kakadu plum is high in dietary fibre and low in calories.
Proudly 100% Aussie Vegan Gluten-Free No preservatives, artificial colours, sweeteners or flavours.
Safety & Precautions
High in Oxylates. Avoid use in kidney and inflammatory disease.
Traditional Names
Depending on location, include gubinge, gabiny, kabiny, mardorr, murunga, bush plum, billygoat plum and salty plum.
A native tree from Australia, the fruit is wild-harvested by Indigenous communities exclusively in the Kimberleys, Northern Territory and Arnhem Land.
Flavour & Aroma
Aroma of stewed apples and pears; some cooked citrus, pickled and fermented notes... A stewed apple and pear aroma, cooked citrus and a floral-musk note. Taste is sour with some astringency
For over a decade Kimberley Training Institute has been promoting cultivation via practical training as a way to maximise the involvement of
Aboriginal communities in a culturally appropriate commercial enterprise. A model of “enrichment planting” has been trialled, where trees are planted within existing areas of bush with minimal clearing and therefore reducing the impact on biodiversity and soil.
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