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Escape the chaos and discover your path to feeling lighter and brighter in no time! 

Fatigue & Burnout

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Exhaustion is not (just) in your head

In fact, did you know that over 90% of the serotonin, the chemical responsible for feelings of well-being, is produced in your gut?

This is where the Gut-Brain Connection comes into play.

When we experience stress, it triggers the Gut-Brain Connection, initiating a series of crucial processes aimed at addressing real or perceived threats.

In the short term, the stress response mediated by the Gut-Brain Connection can be beneficial. However, if this response is repeatedly or chronically activated, it can lead to dysfunction and inflammation, ultimately compromising long-term health.



When real or perceived stress is experienced, gastric secretions are lowered which can lead to discomfort or improper digestion after eating, altering our food choices. Instinctively, we seek out high-energy foods, more often processed and less nutrient-dense, that lead to further fatigue, craving and bacterial changes in the gut.

Adrenal Burnout

Stress is a significant issue for many Aussies

While short-term stress can be protective and help deal with challenges, there may be times when stress becomes excessive and too much to deal with. 
Stress that endures and exceeds one’s ability to cope may lead to 'adrenal fatigue' or burnout and has severe and long-term physiological,  psychological, and behavioural implications.
35% reported experiencing significant levels of distress in their life
64 % reported that stress was having at least some impact on mental health
72% reported that stress was affecting their physical health
Book Your Stress Assessment

Adrenal Fatigue & Burnout Symptoms

Red Flags
Mood disorders; depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, OCD, addiction and PTSD.
Sleep disorders: insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness
Cardiovascular disease
Allergic manifestations: eczema, asthma
Arthritic conditions
Visceral fat accumulation 
Hypertension or hypotensive attacks
Pain: low-back pain, pelvic pain, headaches, abdominal pain
Gastrointestinal disturbances: indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation,
IBS, abdominal pain
Metabolic disorders: obesity, metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, dyslipidaemia
Hair loss
Stress eating
Menstrual and reproductive dysfunction: loss of libido, reduced fertility, PCOS, amenorrhoea
Insulin resistance
Chronic infections, illnesses, poor wound healing
Thyroid disorders: Hypothyroid / Hyperthyroidism
Oxidative stress and premature ageing
Grinding teeth
Autoimmune disease
Your symptoms are real. Your experience is valid. 

Assess Your Adrenal Health

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